Venue: Hya Regency, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad
08:00 am - 09:00 am | REGISTRATION & BREAKFAST | ||
09:00 am - 09:20 am | Dysphagia Beyond Tumors: Types of Non-Obstrucve Dysphagia and When to Suspect Insight into Esophageal Molity Disorders with clinical clues and diagnosc modalies |
Dr. Jarongkorn Sirimongkolkasem |
09:20 am - 09:40 am | Navigang the Use of Manometry in Clinical Pracce: Will It Change Patients Outcome Review of the latest diagnosc criteria with treatment opons in molity disorders |
Dr. Shrihari Anikhindi | |
09:40 am - 10:00 am | GERD and Funconal Dyspepsia: Different Strokes for Different Folks Idenfy evidence-based treatment opons with raonal use of medicaons |
Dr. Pakkapon Raanachaisit |
10:00 am - 10:20 am | Breaking The Cycle: Long Term Dependence on PPI and Prokinecs |
Dr. Sandip Shah | |
10:20 am - 10:50 am | Innovave Approaches: Panel Discussion on Endo-Surgical Management of GERD Non-medical management of GERD: Exploring newer endoscopic therapeuc modalies and indicaons for surgery - Multi Disciplinary Panel Discussion |
Dr. Venkat Iyer | Dr. Ashish Sethi Dr. Yogesh Harwani Dr. Ravindra Gaadhe Dr. Saumin Shah Dr. Rashesh Solanki Dr. Chirag Thakkar |
10:50 am - 11: 00 am | TEA / COFFEE BREAK | ||
11:00 am - 11:15 am | INAUGURATION CEREMONY | ||
11:15 am - 11:35 am | The Chronically Conspated Paent: When to Test and How to Treat Reviewing tests for colon transit and anorectal funcon, when to use them and treatment selecon |
Dr. Uday Ghoshal | |
11:35 am - 11:55 am | Chronic Diarrhoea Demysfied: A Diagnosc Algorithm for Clinicians A step-by-step guide with clinical clues and raonal use of diagnosc tests for reaching diagnosis |
Dr. Govind Makharia | |
11:55 am - 12:15 pm | Tackling H. pylori: Current Evidence and Anbioc Resistance in the Indian Context Implicaons of different diagnosc tests to idenfy and confirm eradicaon with proper selecon of anbiocs in clinical pracce |
Dr. V K Dixit | |
12:15 pm - 12:35 pm | Golden Hours: Timely Recognion and Management of Luminal Emergencies Idenfying Gastrointesnal bleeding, substance or foreign body ingeson, or intesnal obstrucon early can impact paent outcome - Praccal ps for tesng and treatment for clinicians |
Dr. Prashant Buch | |
12:35 pm - 12:55 pm | Seeing the Unseen: Enhancing Small Bowel Evaluaon with Modern Technologies Current evidences in using novel technologies for intesnal evaluaon where roune endoscope cannot reach |
Dr. Pankaj Shrimal | |
12:55 pm - 01:15 pm | Endoscopy Beyond Limits: Advancements in Third Space Endoscopic Techniques Can endoscopic procedure be a safer alternave to surgery in various third space procedures? – Innovaon in Endoscopy |
Dr. Nilay Mehta | |
01:15 pm - 01:30 pm | Burdened by Bloang: Gas Trouble and Mental Health in the Real World Understanding psychosocial factor in funconal bowel disease and sgma of involving a psychiatrist – A Drama |
GIPS team - Drama | |
01:30 pm - 02:30 pm | LUNCH | ||
02:30 pm - 02:50 pm | The Art of Diagnosis: Recognizing Clinical Clues for IBD in a Hecc OPD How to pick early features of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. How to classify and which tests to advise |
Dr. Mayank Kabrawala | |
02:50 pm - 03:10 pm | End of an Era: Will convenonal medicaons survive the biologics Tsunami - An Indian context Current evidences of novel therapy in IBD, Are they safe? And can they replace convenonal medicaons? |
Dr. Partha Pal | |
03:10 pm - 03:40 pm | Facing the Storm: Panel Discussion on Management Strategies for Acute Severe Ulcerave Colis Comprehensive care of UC flare - How early to step up therapies, its complicaons and need for surgery |
Dr. Manish Bhatnagar | Dr. Sanjay Rajput Dr. Kaushal Vyas Dr. Vismit Joshipura Dr. Chirag Shah Dr. Dhaivat Vaishnav Dr. Nirav Vakani |
03:40 pm - 04:00 pm | Disnguishing Desnies: TB vs. Crohn's Disease - Physician Decision-Making Gone are the days of empirical ATT as incidence of IBD is rising in India, are we there to clearly differenate both this enty |
Dr. Kunal Bhardwaj | |
4:00 pm onwards | Closing ceremony and High Tea |
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